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Flat (hollow) braided PPM cord is made from Polypropylene multifilament fibre. This popular PPM cord is mostly used for dog leashes, horse halters & reins. Polypropylene does NOT absorb moisture, this feature keeps the PPM rope floating on the water and dries quickly.
Features: - Lightweight - Silky, shiny and smooth surface - Floatable, does not absorb water - Non-toxic, safe for humans and animals (OEKO-TEX®) - Resistant to mildew and rot - Doesn't get dirty quickly
Specifications: Ø = 12 mm. / Width = 17mm. / Height = 7mm. Hollow Braided: 12 strands Weight: 45 gram per meter Density 0.91 g/cm³
Fiber type: Polypropylene Multifilament Wash machine temp. 30º Made in EU LENGTH: 130cm
Ash Barn
Winchester Road
Hampshire GU32 3PN