by Suzi Tagg
23 March 2021
The European adder is the only venomous snake native to the UK. They are often recognised by having the distinct black or brown zigzag pattern along their back and a v-shaped marking on the back of their head although other colours have been spotted. Adults are up to 2 feet long. They are commonly found on Rocky hillsides, moorland and woodland edges and sand dunes. Unfortunately, dogs are at risk because of their curious nature. If adders have been spotted in certain areas it is best to keep your dog on a lead. What to do if your dog gets bitten: -Ring your vet and inform them. Take them to the vets as quickly as possible. -Your vet may advise rapid administration of an antihistamine. -Carry your dog to reduce the spread of venom around their body. -Keep your dog comfortable and quiet as you transport them to the vet.